Over 55 Men Team 2007

This web site is a record of the team's achievements both on and off the field at the annual National Veterans Hockey Championships.

The squad selected to represent WA at Gold Coast is as follows:

Dennis Baker (WASPS) Ian Brown (Fremantle) William Campbell (Fremantle) Len Collier (Whitford)
David Evans (Blades) Dudley Evans (WASPS) Peter Fogels (Whitford) Alan Green (OAHC)
John Harper (Blades) Les Hayter (Blades) Geoff Hudson (WASPS) Peter Komyshan (NCR)
Terry Parker (Melville) Mal Poole (WASPS) Graham Ryan (Kalamunda) Graham (Butch) Worth (OAHC)
Coach: Graham Ryan Manager: Len Collier

Over 55 Men 2007 Images

Over 55 Men 2007 Match Reports

Category: State Mens Teams
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