Over 55 Men Team 2012

This web site is a record of the team's achievements both on and off the field at the annual National Masters Hockey Championships.

The squad to represent WA in Hobart is as follows:

Peter Crowe Wayne Cutler - Wed Masters Joslyn D’Silva - Harlies Steve Farrar - Hale
Keith Gilbride - WASPS Maurice Giles - WASPS Rudy Keswick - Harlies George Naylor - Harlies
Paul Nicholson - Hale John Ostaszewskyl - Harlies Stephen Pestana - CT Pirates John Rogers - Fremantle
Ian Simes - Victoria Park Max Viner - NCR Tony Watkins - Trinity Peter Westlund - NCR
Coach: Rob Lawson Manager: Wayne Cutler

Over 55 Men 2012 Images

Over 55 Men 2012 Match Reports

Category: State Mens Teams
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