News Feed

  • Refunding nomination fees
  • National Champions cancelled
  • Sultana Bran Hockey One League postponed
  • FIH Pro League postponed

As a result of the recent decision (24 March 2020) by Hockey Australia to cancel the Women’s and Men’s Master Championships for 2020, the WA Masters Hockey Committee have decided to provide a refund of the WA nomination fee

17 March 2020

  • Season Start Suspended until 31 May 2020
  • State Trials Postponed
  • Masters Hockey National Championships Postponed

I am sure you are all well aware of the coronavirus situation and are curious about what this means to Masters Hockey in WA, the National Championships later this year in Queensland and also World Championships later this year in Europe, Japan and South Africa.

The situation is being monitored carefully by Hockey Australia (HA), Hockey WA (HWA), and this committee (WAMHC).