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World Cup 2020

HA Masters Committee have called for expressions of interest in official positions for the World Cup 2020 events featuring Masters Women.  Expressions of interest will close on the evening of 29 July 2019. 

 The Australian Women's Contingents commitment will be as follows: 

  • Over 35s/40s England - arrival by 6pm 3 August, departure 18 August.
  • Over 45s-65s South Africa - arrival by 6pm 14 September, departure 30 September.

All officials are self funded.  Teams will be selected in the following age divisions - Over 35s, Over 40s, Over 45s, Over 50s, Over 55s, Over 60s, Over 65s.

Online expressions of interest can be accessed via the following links:

WA Masters Hockey are seeking a sports professional to assist in sports injuries and management at the 2019 Australian Mens Masters Hockey Tournament.

The person (male or female) will assist our current long term AFL sports trainer Phil Watson.

WA have approx. 10 teams age groups 35s to 75s.