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WA Women's OFT 2024 Announced

Congratulations to the following OFT selected for the WA Women's Masters Teams to compete in the Masters Nationals in Sydney 2024:


Coach WO34                    Allison Rieck

Manager WO34                Tania Dickson

Medical WO34                  Patrick Renner

Coach WO40                    Tammy Cowan

Manager WO40                Cheryl Poustie

Coach WO45                    Temeka Curley

Manager WO45                Dee Middlemiss

Coach WO50                   Charlene Miller

Manager WO50                Lyn Piper

Coach WO55                    Elisabeth Parrick

Manager WO55                Pat Scott

Coach WO60                    Jo Sgro

Manager WO60                Cherryl Pages-Oliver

Coach WO65                    TBC

Manager WO65                Donna Treloar

Coach WO70                    Coleen Dayman

Manager WO70                Colleen Bentley

We are very close in securing selected OFT for the 2 vacant positions (O55s and O65s coach) but if you or someone you know is interested, please complete the nomination form available on the website and send to asap as we would like to finalize positions this or next week.


WA Women's Masters Service Awards 2024

In recognition of Outstanding Contribution to Women’s Masters in Western Australia, the following awards were presented at the WA State night in Sydney, during the recent Women's Masters Nationals:



Karen has played Masters Hockey representing Western Australia for 29 years (1987-2017).
She was first selected in the WA 1987 Number 1 team, in its second year of the Australian Hockey National Master’s competition.
Karen started playing hockey when she was 12 years old at Deanmill, near Manjimup and has played Masters Country Week for Warren Association for 21 years 1990-2011.
In 1988 she became a life member of Warren Women’s Hockey Association  and 2003 a life member of Nationals Club Manjimup.
In 2007 Karen was the winner of the Sandra Treloar over 55’s Coaches Award.




Glenys and Gail Anderson (WAMC member)

Glenys has been playing, coaching or selecting master’s Women’s Hockey for Western Australia
for 13 years.
She was selected to represent WA in the Over 55’s Women’s master’s team this year.
Glenys has represented Australian Masters 6 times.
In 2024 she will represent Australia at the World Cup, Auckland NZ in the Over 55’s.
Glenys has been playing hockey for 25 years, she has played for Kellerberrin in the Avon Association,
Boyanup in the Bunbury Association as well as Country Week for both. She also has played for
Hale, Vic Park and now for Uni Soaks Hockey Club.
Glenys has been playing Mid-Week master’s Hockey for over 20 years.




Tammy and Alison Hoy (WAMC member)

Tammy has been playing, coaching or selecting master’s Women’s Hockey for Western Australia for 12 years.
She coached the WA Women’s master’s Over 40’s in 2023 and 2024 and has coached State and Australian school girls.
Tammy started playing hockey when she was 10 years old in Narembeen.
She has played master’s Country Week for Roe District Association for over 6 years. She has also
played in the Narrogin and Geraldton Hockey Associations, Hale, Vic Park and now for Uni Soaks Hockey Club.
Tammy has been playing Mid-Week Masters Hockey for over 20 years



Tracey has been playing master’s Women’s Hockey for Western Australia for 17 years.
She has represented Australian master’s twice.
Tracey started playing hockey when she was 15 years old.  She has played for Lathlain, UWA, Curtin Trinity (Pirates), Vic Park Xavier and now plays for Modernians Hockey Club. Tracey has been playing hockey for 45 years.
In 2012 and 2013 Tracey was a member of the Hockey WA master’s Committee.
In 2015 Tracey was a co-winner of the WA master’s 55’s team ‘Sandra Treloar Coaches Award.’
Tracey has been playing Mid-Week Masters Hockey for over 25 years.

Congratulations, Karen, Glenys, Tammy and Tracey on winning this award and thank you so much for your ongoing contribution to WA Women's Masters hockey!


WA Men’s Masters Teams for 2024 Announced

Thank you to all the players who have nominated for this year’s WA master’s teams to compete in the Nationals in Hobart in July 2024. Also, a big thank you for all the selectors and OFT for your commitment and efforts getting the teams selected. We appreciate everything you do for Masters.

Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to get sufficient nominations for WA O34s, O40s, O45s, O55s, O65s or O80s teams. However, we have worked closely together with the coaches and selection panels to select as many of these players into other WA teams.

Congratulations to the following players and OFT selected in our WA Men’s Masters Teams:

Men's HA Masters Championships - Change of Dates

Hockey Australia Masters has confirmed changes to the dates of the Men's National Championships in Hobart in July 2024.

2024 Hockey Australia Men’s Masters Championships dates and venue have been reviewed and confirmed dates for Hobart, Tasmania in July will be as follows: 

Venue:  Tasmanian Hockey Centre, Hobart

Dates:   Friday 12 July until Saturday 27 July 2024 

Competitions will be conducted in two Tournaments to ensure shorter commitment dates for the 34-50 Men.

  • Tournament 2 34+ to 50+ Men:  Friday 12 July – Saturday 20 July 2024
  • Tournament 3 55+ to 65+ Men:  Tuesday 16 July* – Saturday 27 July 2024  (*There will be a staggered start to Tournament 3.  Teams will commence between 16 and 19 July).

                                  70/75+**   Men:   Sunday 14 July – Saturday 27 July 2024   **MA Men’s Masters Delegates have advised that no 80+ Men’s competition will go ahead in 2024.

 The HA Women’s Masters Championships, Tournament 1, remains Friday 28 June – Saturday 6 July 2024 in Sydney, NSW.

Women's Masters Nationals Sydney 2024

Congratulations to all the WA Women’s masters’ teams and OFT who competed in this years’ Women’s master’s Nationals held in Sydney from 29/6- 6/7/2024.

All our WA Women's Masters teams performed incredibly well with great results:

WA O34s - 4 th place

WA O40s - 4 th place

WA O50s - Silver Medal

WA O55s - Gold Medal

WA O60s - Gold Medal

WA O70s - Bronze medal

(No WA O45s or O65 competed in 2024 Nationals)


Further great team and player achievements:

Best on Ground O55’s Grand Final WA - NSW Claire Wright


Top goal scorer O50s- Marianne Tanna (6 goals)


Second highest goal scorer O55s- Julie Waddell (6 goals)


Top goal scorer O60s- Suzanne Stoate (7 goals)


"Play the Whistle"(best behaved team, according to the umpires): WA O50s, O55s and O70s (shared with ACT)

  Charlene Miller- Coach WA WO50


For further information and details, please see Hockey Australia Facebook page or visit ALTIUS RT website.


WA Team Trophies 2024:

O34s – Cathy Bayens TrophyJodie Mellor



O40s – Rae Blunt Trophy: Prue Blaine

 Prue with O40s manager Cheryl Poustie (left) and coach Tammy Cowan (right)


O50s – Theresa Nicholson Trophy: Marianne Tanna

Marianne, coach Charlene Miller (left), Assistant coach Sinead French-Bluhm (right)


O55s – Sandra Treloar Trophy: Vicky McAllister


O60s – Laurie Packham Trophy: Helen Rule


O70s – Helen Johansen Trophy: Janese McDougall


We are hoping to send our Masters survey out asap to get players and OFT feedback relating to these Nationals, in order for the WA Masters Committee, to further make improvements.



WA Over 40's - 2013 Match Reports


Day 3 - Game day 1: WA vs QLD - Friday, September 27, 2013

Well we started out the day with nervous excitement for our first hit out against QLD. It was a sunny day which meant we would have a hard hot game ahead of us. Our goal to kick arse and score early, with this in mind we hit the turf running. Attacking QLD from the get go, we were faster off the ball and strong in the mid field. Robbie our illustrious leader beat the opposition to the ball every time. Bugs dazzled in the forward line menacing in the attacking circle, so close to converting a goal in the first half only to have the goalie slide in and block the shot. We continued to have opportunities but we were a bit too eager to score and rushed a bit in the circle. QLD's heads were spinning they stacked their defence line managing to keep us scoreless in the first half. 

In the second half our defence were solid, consistently stopping QLD in their tracks and transferring the ball, back into the midfield for some great movement. 
Strong over the ball and continuing to attack the QLD side some of our players (Jules & Tonks) thought they were back in their 20's sliding down for tackles and bouncing back up (maybe this won't happen in our third and fourth game haha). We continued to dominate the game as QLD ran out of legs yet couldn't put our many attempts in the back of the net. 
All in all a great start to the tournament with a new look 40's team no major injuries and our goalie only touched the ball twice! Lets hope we can increase this intensity tomorrow when we play VIC. 

Result: WA 0 - QLD 0 

Day 4 - Game day 2: WA vs VIC - Saturday, September 28, 2013

We started the day with a 8.30am pool session which was a bit chilly for some but great for the old muscles Everyone is pumped for the dockers grand final today however we are all a bit sad that our game is at the same time as the bounce down. Into the coaster & tarago we piled with our hockey bags pumped for a win against the VICs. From the whistle the VICs were quick to attack and move the ball around in our defensive 25. We gathered ourselves and turned the ball around sending it down the other end. Rocco made some great leads early on the left side opening up the space to set up opportunities in the circle stretching the VICs defence. The VIC side popped a great ball down our left side which lead to a forward run. They had numbers and with an unfortunate mistrap, there were 2 against the goalie and VIC slipped one past resulting in 1-0 just 10minutes into the game. We continued the middle of the half defending and keeping them out. In the last 8mins there was a turn around in intensity from WA and we were on fire. 

At half time we refocused and with determination went back out there to finish off the game with this intensity and fire in our belly. After a few close calls in our defensive circle Sonia (our goalie) stayed calmed and kept the VICs scoreless throughout the second half.We kept attacking the VICs to no avail with missed opportunities just slipping by. Tonks on the right half was like a magician appearing from nowhere to carve up the opposition and stop them in their tracks. The ball was like a magnet always finding itself on her stick again & again. When we had the ball we had intensity but just couldn't get that little ball in the back of the net. Our coach "Reicky" was wearing a hole in the turf pacing up and down on edge with every second ticking by. The full time siren sounded the result 0-1. It was a hard fought game and a disappointing blow to our team who were all so hungry for the win. 

Licking our wounds we took off to the beach for a quick recovery session before rushing back to see the Dockers take on Hawthorn. Bugger the VICS! 

Result: WA 0 - VIC 1 

Day 5 - Game day 3: WA vs TAS - Sunday, September 29, 2013

We really need to get a win on the board today and some goals in the net. Everyone is quite amped up today for the game. We line up to take the field with the aim of scoring early and putting Tassie on the back foot. Well 8 minutes into the first half Tassie had a quick run away forcing Sonia (GK) out of the goals to stop the player. The ball came incredibly close to the line where Nads (Nadelle) stopped the ball on the line however the TASSIE striker was there to put it in the back of the net! We lifted out heads and kept attacking throughout the rest of the half really having to fight for any calls our way in our attacking 25. We were unfortunate not to score Bugs(Lauren),Megs,Sammy,Wags(Joanne) & Rocco(Kylie) all put pressure on the TASSIE defence. Half time score 0-1 

We took to the field again with the instructions to slow down and take our time in the circle. The umpire threw the ball onto the field hitting Bugs in the wrist leaving a huge lump, we were hoping the umpire would start blowing the whistle in our favour due to feeling guilty for injuring one of our players. Sadly for us we were all so eager to covert a goal that we were caught out a bit high and the TASSIE side had a quick run away 2 on 1 against the goalie Sonia came out but they slipped another goal by her. 

With the score 0-2 we kept our heads in the game, we persisted to attack and attack keeping up the pressure. Megs lead to space just outside the circle receiving the ball she was on her own she weaved around the top passing the ball to Sammy moving into the spot to receive the pass off and a nice high ball just hitting the inside left post hitting the back of the net HOORAY!!!! Anyone would of thought it was the winning goal with the celebration on and off the field. Robbie (Robyn) settled the team and it was back to business we still had time to turn this game around. This was just what the team needed and the intensity on the field reflected this. TASSIE had no where to go we were all over them, with continuing pressure we were given a penalty corner we went for the "Shiraz" otherwise known as the trap & hit a beautiful ball in from Scottie (Anita) saw Bugs deflect the ball into the net. The score was even 2-2 with another 8mins on the clock WA dug deep and kept attacking the TASSIE team so close but not quite getting our third goal by the full time siren. 

A great come back by us in hot conditions something we hope to build on with our game against NSW on Tuesday after a rest day on Monday 

Day 5 News Pool session for sore muscles warmer day today 27o not looking forward to a 12pm game off to the stadium for our game against TAS 

6.30pm dinner with the 55's women in the hotel a great night of fun and laughs with a special quiz for our virgin players in the 40's Meg, Julie, Jill, Nadelle, Julie-Ann, Sarah And a great impromptu performance of a stranded scuba diver by Kate Tonks & Sammy Rankin 

Result: WA 2 - TAS 2

WA vs NSW - Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We have to win this game against NSW to put ourselves into the semifinals play off. With a team meeting in the morning to fine tune our attack and defence structure we knew what we had to do to win this game. Some of us have chosen Katie Perry's "roar" as our theme song to get us focused for our games so singing along to this on the way to the stadium put everyone in an upbeat mood. 

We won the toss and hit the turf running. We marked up hard on NSW shutting down their ability to move the ball around us and attack. 
We had the early advantage attacking and switching the play we were definitely in control of this game. We were given 2 penalty corners and on the second one we used our lemonchello option (slip left). Jules did a great flick up in the air which landed in the net. 
15 minutes into the game we were one up 1-0 Goal scorer Julie De Silva 

NSW continued to press forward but we held strong intercepting passes and trapping it down. 
With 10 minutes left of the first half we had a series of unfortunate events. Wags (Joanne) was given a green card, Robbie (Robyn) received another one only 15 sec later (there was confusion what this was given for). We were left with 9 on the ground. NSW pressured us in this time like bees to a honey pot all over us on the circle. 
We were unlucky to have a corner called against us then more events unfolded 1st whistle a warning for breaking 2nd whistle Tonks (Kate) sent for breaking the line 3rd whistle Megs sent for breaking the line, leaving Sonia (GK) and 2 defenders on a penalty corner! 
With 8 attackers on the circle and 3 defenders running off the line (including the GK) NSW had a strong hit on the ball, our GK got a pad to it but it came off the top landing in the net. The score now 1-1. 

We sighed relief when our carded players returned to the field. This change of intensity continued and WA were fighting hard to keep NSW out for the remainder of the half - we were all very relieved when the half time siren sounded. 

Reicky (coach) grounded us all we know what we had to do P.I.N.T.S ( a crazy acronym for our tournament that Reicky created) so we head back out on the field to turn the game around. 
From the whistle we are focused and patient putting pressure on NSW and turning around the play in the midfield. 
NSW were feeling the pressure sending the ball long over our defence line the backs staying calm and transferring the ball across the field. 
We had two situations when the ball was mistrapped in the defensive circle however our GK and backs stayed calm in the face of fear and prevented NSW from taking advantage of these (big sigh of relief and a lot of yelling by Sonia our GK). 
We continued to stay strong and turn the ball around. Applying pressure for the rest of the second half we were unfortunate not to convert a goal, this left us with our third draw of the tournament. Mixed emotions really as we have only had one loss but we are sitting dangerously close to 5th on the leader board. We collect our things and head home for our much anticipated ice baths. 

Result: WA 1 - NSW 1 

WA vs SA - Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Goal scorers: First Half - Robyn Himbeck 2. Second Half - Sarah Zappelli 

Result: WA 3 - SA 0

Semi-Final WA vs VIC - Friday, October 4, 2013

So we were feeling excited that we have made it into the semifinals play off and we are all very confident that we can beat VIC. Over the duration of the tournamant we have only lost one game and that was to VIC 1-0. Our game time isn't until 5.15pm so we spend the day with a early morning pool session followed by rest time, and a team meeting, the weather here in Adelaide is 25o so we are all happy to be playing later in the day, however we are anxious to get the game over and done with. We know what we have to do to win - score more goals than VIC. If it is a draw VIC automoaticaaly progess into the Grand Final as they finished top of the ladder. 

Starting with our dynamic warm up run by our cheeky Sammy we opened the gate, fed the chickens and then closed the gate. All ready to hit the turf and give those VIKKA's hell. From the get go it was intense on the field, the sun just going down but enough to get in the eyes of VIC's goalie on the right side so this is where we started our attack. Getting up in her face hoping she would not see the balls coming in her direction. Our strikers put pressure on VIC early with Bugs (Lauren) stealing a ball off a defensive free we could see them thinking twice about any decisions they made. We pressured hard for the first 10 minutes and manned up "no space, no time " (another famous saying by our illustrious leader Riecky). Then we played hard and smart for the next 10 minutes and then the next 8 minutes, before we saw WA get a penalty corner. It was quickly shut down by the VICs and they got a quick break away on us swarming numbers into our defensive circle. We tackled hard, some harder than others when Dodgy ( Narelle ) went down on a reverse side tackle and we had a penalty stroke called against us. Robbie (Robyn) gathered the team and whispered calming words in their ears whilst Sonia (GK) stared fear in the eyes as she went to war with the VIC striker; we all held our breath then cheered as the ball missed the goal bouncing back off the post, we could all breath again phew. 
The half time siren came and it was 0-0. 

the game was intense and we had the fitness to run over VIC in the second half, taking on this challenge we returned to the field to take the fight to the VIC's. We weren't going to make this easy for them! It was a very even game with both sides having goal scoring opportunities. WA was unlucky on a few occasions with the ball bouncing off the post or just missing the goals. However we kept persisting and attacking the VICs with the hope that one would finally find the back of the net. 
Intensity was high and everyone was running their guts out. We saw some interesting foot work from Megs who deliberately stopped a passing ball with her foot - this saw her get a green card. Although you would have never known we were playing with one girl down as we continued to switch the ball around and put the VIC's under pressure. 
It would so happen that Jules (Julie) would receive a stop of play and the umpire pulling out her cards she went the the 'yellow ' this supposedly being her second card, it was quick thinking on Megs behalf when she ran up to her and stood beside Jules we are twins (identical twins). The umpire realised she was seeing double, had a quick laugh and pulled out a green. This was a nice break in the intensity of the game when everyone had a small chuckle. The clock continued to count down and WA kept trying and trying. 
Unfortunately for us the final siren sounded and we all realise our opportunity to play in the grand final was over. The crowd roared with support for our gutsy effort; the VIC supporters cheered for us as a sign of respect. Exhausted and devastated we made our way off the field. With the unhappy thought of having to jump in an ice bath and play another game tomorrow for 3rd and 4th against TASSIE. 

Result: WA 0 - VIC 0 

3rd / 4th Playoff: WA vs TAS - Saturday, October 5, 2013

We awake with a groan as we have to prepare for a 8am pool session, followed by a team breakfast this is just what the doctor ordered putting us in a positive state if mind for our play off at 2pm today. 

It was a hot day on the turf 26o but we all know its hotter than that when you are running your heart out. We had quick rotations to keep everyone hydrated. When the half siren went the score was 0-0. we can't let this slip out of our fingers; we are fitter than them so we we get back out there to continue the fight against TASSIE. 

We were given a penalty corner everyone was hungry to convert this one, Zappa (Sarah) was well positioned off the goalies pads and quick thinking saw her pop it over the goalie as she went down swish! into the back of the net. 
Yipee what a feeling, what a relief! 
We definitely got the taste for a win converting another short corner 10 min later thanks to Robbies (Robyn's ) rocketing hit as receiver from the top of the circle. 
It was at this time of the second half WA up 2-0 with 8 minutes on the clock, the game wasn't over yet with TAS increasing intensity and fighting back. They managed to convert a goal sending us into a defensive game we didn't want to see TASSIE even up the score in the final minutes. We had this win but had to keep our heads. 

Lucky for us Jill was our secret weapon on the bench, having injured herself early in the tournament she was recovering on the side line just for such an occasion, she did a good job keeping calm and tackling hard along with Scottie, (Anita) Tonks, (Kate) Dodgy, (Narelle) & Sonia (GK) showing the opposition WA have more heart and grunt. 
There was no penetrating the defensive wall we had in place. As the final siren sounded we all celebrated and sighed relief it was a well deserved Win. 
'That was AWESOME' - third overall and hungry for more next year. 

Result: WA 2 - TAS 1  

Goal scorers: Sarah Zappelli 1, Robyn Himbeck 1