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OFT Nominations National 2025 - Extended to February 17th

OFT Nominations are now open for Men and Women's Masters Teams to compete at the Nationals in 2025:

Nominations Close Monday, February 17, 2025, 4 pm - Extended for 2 Weeks

Men's dates:

Friday 26 September to Saturday 11 October 2025

Location: Newcastle, NSW

Over 34 to Over 55s likely to finish on Sunday 5 October. 

Other age groups start later from Monday 29th but dates not know until fixtures released.


Women’s dates:

Friday 26 September to Saturday 4 October

Location: Tasmanian Hockey Centre, Hobart


The Link to the Nomination Form is as follows:

 WA Masters Hockey - State Teams - OFT EOI Nomination Form 


To nominate, please complete the nomination form and submit to:




For EOI Men cc Naomie Noble

For EOI Women cc Gail Anderson


Newcastle to Host 2025 Hockey Australia Men’s Masters Championships

The 2025 edition of the Hockey Australia Men’s Masters Championships, Australian hockey’s largest participation event, will be hosted at the Newcastle International Hockey Centre, home of the Newcastle Hockey Association.

Event Details:
2025 Hockey Australia Men’s Masters Championships
Newcastle International Hockey Centre, 332 Turton Rd, Broadmeadow NSW 2305
Friday 26 September to Saturday 11 October 2025 (Final dates TBC)

Full Announcement here:


AGM WA Masters Hockey Committee 2024 Updated




The Annual Meeting of WA Masters Hockey will be held on


in the


All Masters Hockey Club Delegates, Players, Coaches and Managers are invited to attend.

AGM Annual Report, Agenda, minutes, delegate proxy and committee nomination form available:   AGM Documents link

Nominations for election to Committee of the WA Masters Hockey Community are to be received by the Secretary, Anton Eaton by email to: (cc by 4.00pm on Friday 29 November 2023To be nominated by your club.  If more nominations are received than positions available, a ballot will be held to decide who is elected to the Committee.  A Nomination Form is available from the Secretary by email or on the Masters website at (you need to be registered and logged in to see the form).


Hockey WA and the WA Masters Hockey Committee are pleased to announce that Nominations are open 
for players for 2025 Men’s and Women’s State Masters Teams.

You must be registered and logged-in to this website to be able to nominate.

Save the Day for Women's Masters Trials APRIL 2025


Please put the following dates in your diary if you are interested in nominating for the WA Women's Masters Teams to compete in the Nationals, held in Hobart, Tasmania in September/October 2025 (dates TBC).

We will be organising a 2-day trial (Saturday and Sunday) and are aiming for the weekend of 12 and 13 April 2025.

We have booked UWA turfs to be able to have ALL teams trialling in one location.

Further details on nominations, trials and Nationals 2025 will be provided close to the date.

For any questions or clarification required, please contact Gail Anderson ( or Jill van Duuren (

Hope to see you all there!

WA Over 55's - 2015 Match Reports


WA vs SA - Thursday, September 24, 2015

Starting line up: Sarah Earl, Ingrid Matthews, Kim Chandler, Tracey Hough, Deb Oliver, Anne Serafini, Tracy Buswell, Deb Andrew, Pearl Watene, Susan Tide, Gail Westlund 
Subs: Marg Knapp, Eleanor Staples, Alison Fleming, Deb Whiting 

Much anticipation and nerves before our first outing against SA who proved to be stiff opposition. The game was neck and neck for the first 15 mins.  

After the shaky start and great defensive team work, Kim slotted a goal through a rebound off the SA keeper.  
With our confidence lifted we settled into an attacking force to be reckoned with.  
A stroke was awarded and Tracey Hough put it away.  
Some great passing and teamwork saw Eleanor Staples pass across the circle to Deb Whiting and our third goal was scored.  

3-0 and a great result for our first outing.  
Coach’s award went to Tracey Hough for great running and Eleanor Staples for her wonderful team play. 

Match sheets and statistics are live online at 
Follow links to age group under events and comps/Aust Championships/2015.Click on Hockey Australia’s results portal to find your championship. 

Result: WA 3 - SA 0 

Goal Scorers: Kim Chandler, Tracey Hough, Deb. Whiting

WA vs QLD2 - Saturday, September 26, 2015

Starting line up: Susan Tide, Tracey Hough, Tracy Buswell, Deb Andrew, Marg Knapp, Eleanor Staples, Alison Fleming, Kim Chandler, Pearl Watene, Debbie Oliver, Deb Whiting 
Subs: Anne Serafini, Gail Westlund, Ingrid Matthews, Sarah Earl 

We were unable to capitalise on opportunities presented and against the flow of play Queensland scored their first goal. 
WA still held a lot of possession between back and forward 23’s but Queensland made the best of their opportunities and scored another goal.  
WA still playing well, forced a short corner and Kim Chandler put a high ball into the top RH corner of the net.  

Coach’s award: Awarded to Ingrid Matthews, for magnificent endeavour to force the short corner we scored from. 

Result: WA 1 - QLD2 2 

Goal scorer: Kim Chandler

WA vs NSW - Sunday, September 27, 2015

Starting line up: Deb Oliver, Anne Serafini, Tracy Buswell, Deb Andrew, Pearl Watene, Sue Tide, Gail Westlund, Pearl Watene, Debbie Whiting, Marg Knapp, Eleanor Staples. 
Subs: Sarah Earl, Ingrid Matthews, Kim Chandler, Tracey Hough, Alison Fleming 

Weather sunny 27 deg. – but more about that later. 
A brilliant warm-up set us up well for the much anticipated game against traditional favourites NSW. 
It was a fast game and both teams showed skill and endeavour to try to gain the ascendance.  
As is often the case a short corner was awarded to NSW in the dying moments of the 1st half.  
A questionable call had the 1st runner excluded, sent back to the centre line ....... unbelievably for the subsequent corner another runner was sent to the centreline!!  
With 2 defenders and the keeper left on the line NSW converted. We went into the break 0-1.  

Our intensity lifted in the second half, WA was applying pressure to NSW but against the play NSW scored their second goal.  

Back to that weather report ..... The skies opened and with torrential rain came thunder and lightning.  
Play was stopped with 12 mins on the clock.  
Application of the rules meant that the game was abandoned, the match could not be completed within 2 hours.  
The final score 0-2, WA disappointed in not having the opportunity to gain points. 

Coach’s award: Awarded to Deb Andrew for her continual running and creative play. 

Result: WA 0 - NSW 2 

WA vs VIC - Monday, September 28, 2015

Starting line up: Sarah Earl, Ingrid Matthews, Kim Chandler, Alison Fleming, Eleanor Staples, Anne Serafini, Tracey Hough, Deb Andrew, Tracy Buswell, Deb Oliver, Sue Tide. 
Subs: Gail Westlund, Pearl Watene, Marg Knapp, Deb Whiting. 

Not our best game, unfortunately once again did not score from opportunities presented.  

Coach’s award: Tracey Buswell for turning her defensive play into attack. 

Result: WA 0 - VIC 3

WA vs QLD1 - Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Starting line up: Deb Andrew, Tracy Buswell, Kim Chandler, Tracey Hough, Marg Knapp, Ingrid Matthews, Debbie Oliver, Anne Serafini, Susan Tide, Gail Westlund, Debbie Whiting. 
Subs: Sarah Earl, Alison Fleming, Pearl Watene, Eleanor Staples 

Another match where the team played very sound hockey but was unable to score the necessary goals to win. Queensland was a very strong opposition who took their limited opportunities to score.  

WA 55’s will be playing off for 5/6 on Friday morning. 

Coach’s award: Marg Knapp and Gail Westlund for very tight defence which created opportunities up front. 

Result: WA 0 - QLD1 2

Playoff for 5th and 6th: WA vs xxx - Friday, October 2, 2015

Result: WA n - xxx n  

Goal Scorers: